Can you see a difference?
Check out the right eye vs. the left? Which looks higher, tighter, more youthful?
OK, here’s the answer…Facelifter: Natural Facelift in a Bottle
Perusing the internet one day several months ago I ran across a product that purported to give a non-surgical facelift (yeah, right, I thought). The thing is, this product came with pictures that looked pretty good. They seemed realistic and they definitely showed an improvement in the faces. The skin was toned, the muscles firmer and lifted. They looked great. So I read some more. And some more. I tend to really READ into the websites I visit trying to get glimpses into the “catch” or the real deal behind the claims.
Check out the right eye vs. the left? Which looks higher, tighter, more youthful?
OK, here’s the answer…Facelifter: Natural Facelift in a Bottle
Perusing the internet one day several months ago I ran across a product that purported to give a non-surgical facelift (yeah, right, I thought). The thing is, this product came with pictures that looked pretty good. They seemed realistic and they definitely showed an improvement in the faces. The skin was toned, the muscles firmer and lifted. They looked great. So I read some more. And some more. I tend to really READ into the websites I visit trying to get glimpses into the “catch” or the real deal behind the claims.
After reading and studying the pictures and viewing the video clips, I decided to order the product. This is a HUGE leap for me, because unless it’s a well-known product or someone I know and trust (aka Oprah) touts it, I generally don’t buy it from an anonymous website. I guess I’m a skeptic after getting burned time and again (I’m also hopeful and feel people are basically good–thus the getting the burned before).
I got the product, Younique (aka L’egance) Natural Facelift. It’s basically a thick, sticky liquid mask. It’s applied in a certain way to your face. It needs to stay on and dry for about 30 minutes (a bit inconvenient, I admit, but I do love a mask, so it’s OK for me). I used it in accordance with the directions and remained skeptical. However, after I removed it, wow! I really saw a difference. Not only was my skin noticeably smoother, glowing and brighter, but it was really firm. My eyes seemed lifted and my cheeks and jaw were definitely plumper and lifted.
You’re supposed to use this mask every other day for 90 days for maximum results. It dries very tight and is touted to “exercise” the muscles under the skin. It does pulsate a bit after it is dried, so you do feel something. Whether it’s enough to actually provide a long-term solution remains to be seen, but I’ve used it for months (admittedly on and off–every other day wasn’t practical for me), and I’m sold…so much so that I became a professional distributor (you can get this on my site at I even offer a sampler size to try yourself!
If I get my act together, I’ll even post photos for you to see for yourself.